πŸ“Juicy Seasons

We are excited to introduce an exclusive opportunity to enhance your betting experience with us! At JuicyBet, we're changing the gameβ€Š-β€Ševery bet you place is more than just a win-or-lose situation. With each bet, you'll accumulate Juicy Drops, which will later be converted into tokens and grant you access to exceptional prizes.

There is no JuicyBet’s token on the market yet. Beware of scams!

What is Juicy Drops (JD)?

JD is a new level of reward in Web3 gaming. With more JD, you can participate in the further allocation of valuable prizes and grand offline events. Juicy Drops will later be converted into tokens.

How to get JD?

It's as simple as ever - by making bets on our website!

Note: Keep an eye on JuicyBet’s unique social media events, where you can earn even more JD! For instance, we’ll post regular matches on Twitter, and by placing bets on them, you’ll accumulate additional Juicy Drops. Stay tuned for updates!

There will be 8 seasons, each for 2 weeks in duration, where you can get additional multiplicator for farming.

What are seasons?

From Dec 18, 2023, we will reward exceptional gamers every two weeks. The ones who bet more get multiplicator by the end of the season.

The next day after the end of the season, the multiplied JD will be put into your connected wallet.

What are the rules of the season?

The earlier you startβ€Šβ€”β€Šthe more JDs you can get. But beware of skipping next season, you will get less allocation of JuicyTokens!

What can I exchange my JD for?

Juicy Drops will be converted into Juicy Token in May 2024.

How to get started

Go to https://juicybet.net/ and tap on Connect Wallet button

Last updated