🎰Placing Bets

JuicyBet currently supports 1 chain - Polygon. More chains are coming

How can I place a bet?

  1. Click on Sport bets

  2. Select any event & odd, set bet amount (min $1) and click on Place bet (Screenshot 1)

  3. 3. Click on Confirm (Screenshot 2)

  4. 4. After confirmation, your bet will appear on My Bets section

Screenshot 1β€Š-β€ŠPlacing bet
Screenshot 2β€Š-β€ŠPlacing bet

How can I claim a winning?

  1. Click on Your Account and select My Bets (Screenshot 1)

  2. Find you winning bet and click Redeem button (Screenshot 2)

Screenshot 1β€Š-β€ŠWinning claim
Screenshot 2β€Š-β€ŠWinning claim

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Last updated